Monday, November 17, 2008


In chapter 8, communication and relational dynamics, they discuss the true dynamics of relationships. In the text I read about why we form relationships. One reason why we form relationships is attraction. I thought that this was interesting because personally without knowing, I do this all the time when I am forming a relationship. This doesn’t mean that you only form relationships with people who are pretty or good looking but we form them because they have an attractive personality. Many beautiful girls are with guys who are unattractive look wise but they feel that their personality is much attractive that it makes up for their looks. Personally I feel the same because someone could be good looking but have an ugly personality. This makes them an ugly person in my eyes. I think that looks are just a bonus in relationships. There are many people who only focus on looks when it comes to forming relationships. I personally feel that they are the ones who end up in unhealthy relationships. When I am forming a relationship based on attractiveness, I tend to form them with people who like the same things as me. It is easier and more satisfying for me to have disclosure with people who I can relate to.

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