Monday, November 24, 2008

2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions of intimacy

In chapter 9, intimacy and distance in relational communication, the text discusses the different dynamics of intimacy. Another dimension of intimacy that I thought was interesting was intellectual sharing. When someone shares personal ideas with one another it’s a form of intimacy. Having interest in someone else’s life is a way to show being intimate. This is something that I do with friends, family and my significant other because I feel that it’s powerful. The third dimension of intimacy is emotional intimacy. This is when people share important feelings with one another. This develops a level of closeness. In the book it explains that you don’t need to be face to face with someone to show this type of intimacy. Many people have online relationships where they feel they same closeness with a person. I thought this was very interesting because I never thought of it in this way before. The fourth dimension that they discuss in the text is shared activities. This something that you can share with anyone and it doesn’t have to be with a significant other. This means that you do activites with people and it creates a bond and closeness. I do this with my friends when we go out on the weekends. With my co workers we work together on a daily basis were it creates a level of intimacy.

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