Friday, September 12, 2008

Self Concept :)

In chapter 2 I read about changing yourself concept and having realistic perception of yourself. It is definitely a lifetime process of improvement because humans are always constantly learning new things about themselves. There is no way to prefect your self concept but you can learn to accept yourself for who you are. I think that my biggest problem is that I listen to what people tell me so if someone says that I am bad at spelling then it tends to make me feel dumb. I need to learn to take criticism. Accepting my flaws and growing from them will help me with myself concept. Having a realistic self concept of yourself is very important because if you don’t then you will keep letting yourself down. I see this with a lot of guys because they communicate like they are tough and all strong. They put a self perception that they are untouchable and unemotional. It’s good to recognize your strengths but it is important to watch how you express them. One thing I learned about in life about self concept is that if you surround yourself with positive people. If there is constant negativity then you will be negative and eventually it will rub off and you and your self concept will be affected.

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